From Our Members

In our continuing effort to provide service to CALLERLAB Members we are offering this section of the web site for comments, thoughts, and other input from our Members.The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of CALLERLAB.

If you have information you would like to share, please contact the CALLERLAB office by submitting your input in an e-mail addressed to: The CALLERLAB Executive Director reserves the right to edit and revise any material submitted for publication.

This page also contains documents from the archives of Tim Marriner. We thank Donna Marriner for allowing CALLERLAB to post these documents:

For additional information, contact the office at 1-800-331-2577 or

Member-Submitted Articles

Angels Letter

February 7, 2021 63.48 KB 5271 downloads

Tim Marriner

Business Side of Calling

February 7, 2021 38.87 KB 5377 downloads

Tim Marriner

Callers Partner

February 7, 2021 69.43 KB 4862 downloads

Tim Marriner

Calling In Schools (In The Long Run) By Corben Geis

December 22, 2010 26.52 KB 15087 downloads

In this article Corben provides his thoughts regarding the benefits of square dancing in schools. He and others believe this will help future recruiting of new dancers.


February 7, 2021 74.16 KB 3781 downloads

An article by Paul Walker presenting "Change" to square dancing.

Chicken Plucker Evolution

February 7, 2021 58.49 KB 6102 downloads

Tim Marriner

Choreo Nightmares

February 7, 2021 35.31 KB 5036 downloads

Tim Marriner

Class Recruitment and Retention by Darryl McMillan

January 7, 2012 52.80 KB 6228 downloads

Darryl presents several theories and facts regarding recruitment and retention of new dancers. This article was published in the Jan/Feb 2012 DIRECTION.

CRaMS "Starting CRaMS" by Barry Johnson

May 21, 2011 247.97 KB 6018 downloads

CRaMS is a system of calling that encourages the use of modules or extemporaneous calling while working within a framework of known dancer relationships.

Dance Parties

February 7, 2021 32.87 KB 4878 downloads

Tim Marriner

Dancer Etiquette

February 7, 2021 47.64 KB 4209 downloads

Daryl Clendenin article on dancers etiquettes.

Do Not Call List

February 7, 2021 154.93 KB 6309 downloads

Tim Marriner

Easy Party Dance Choreography

February 7, 2021 49.83 KB 5170 downloads

Tim Marriner


February 7, 2021 167.09 KB 4715 downloads

Evolution of Chicken Plucker

February 7, 2021 56.61 KB 7513 downloads

Tim Marriner

Glossary of Common Caller Jargon

February 7, 2021 106.89 KB 8643 downloads

Tim Marriner


February 7, 2021 126.77 KB 4513 downloads

Tim Marriner

History and Heritage

February 7, 2021 83.83 KB 5018 downloads

Tim Marriner

How I Started Calling

February 7, 2021 184.51 KB 6594 downloads

Tim Marriner

In The Long Run

December 22, 2010 26.52 KB 3913 downloads

Corben Gies


February 7, 2021 65.65 KB 4320 downloads

Tim Marriner

Mainstream Get-outs

February 7, 2021 107.59 KB 5365 downloads

Tim Marriner

Master of Ceremonies

February 7, 2021 71.71 KB 6091 downloads

Tim Marriner

Mechanic of Choreography

February 7, 2021 39.95 KB 4987 downloads

Tim Marriner

Memory For Callers by Daryl Clendenin (May 2011)

May 7, 2011 22.13 KB 4504 downloads

Brief description of how our memory works, how important it is to our calling, and a reminder to pay attention to help our memory.

Method of Choreographic Management

February 7, 2021 245.15 KB 5346 downloads

Tim Marriner

Microphone Techniques

February 7, 2021 76.12 KB 5199 downloads

Tim Marriner

Modular Basics

February 7, 2021 51.13 KB 4769 downloads

Tim Marriner

Modular Calling

February 7, 2021 95.96 KB 6247 downloads

Tim Marriner

Music Alternatives

February 7, 2021 72.70 KB 4901 downloads

Tim Marriner

Music Management

February 7, 2021 76.89 KB 4235 downloads

Tim Marriner

Music Structure

February 7, 2021 46.10 KB 6699 downloads

Tim Marriner

New Callers By Daryl Clendenin (December 23, 2010)

December 7, 2010 54.41 KB 3781 downloads

Includes Daryl's thoughts on how to find and recruit new callers.

New Dancer Coordinator

February 7, 2021 118.41 KB 4440 downloads

Tim Marriner

New Dancer Letter

February 7, 2021 38.46 KB 5096 downloads

Tim Marriner


February 7, 2021 78.94 KB 6781 downloads

Daryl Clendenin presents an article on Basic as an Entry Program.

Plus Get-Outs

February 7, 2021 105.42 KB 6233 downloads

Tim Marriner

Program Outline

February 7, 2021 5.42 KB 5370 downloads

Tim Marriner


February 7, 2021 68.43 KB 4191 downloads

Tim Marriner


February 7, 2021 77.12 KB 4145 downloads

Tim Marriner


February 7, 2021 144.13 KB 4750 downloads

Tim Marriner

Self Improvement

February 7, 2021 75.35 KB 4675 downloads


February 7, 2021 85.54 KB 4316 downloads

Tim Marriner

Showmanship Approaches

February 7, 2021 23.53 KB 5212 downloads

Tim Marriner

Sight Calling

February 7, 2021 73.42 KB 4467 downloads

Tim Mariner

Sight Resolution

February 7, 2021 69.22 KB 4375 downloads

Tim Marriner

Simple Sight

February 7, 2021 39.69 KB 4335 downloads

Tim Marriner

Singing Call Adaptation

February 7, 2021 152.41 KB 5229 downloads

Tim Marriner

Singing Call Techniques

February 7, 2021 135.88 KB 5326 downloads

Tim Marriner

Smooth Dancing, Body Flow and Timing

February 7, 2021 70.22 KB 7280 downloads

Tim Marriner

Square Dance History Project

February 7, 2021 55.67 KB 5323 downloads

By David Millstone--A group of square dance enthusiasts has launched a digital library and website.

Teaching Techniques By Jerry Reed (December 23, 2010)
December 7, 2010 83.66 KB 5551 downloads

Jerry has written an outstanding teaching aid. This document includes the following general topics: 1) BASICS OF TEACHING/LEARNING and 2) TEACHING METHODS. This document is also available under Teaching Resources.

The Downsizing of Square Dancing by George Smith

February 7, 2021 7.63 MB 5636 downloads

George Smith presents an article regarding his experience with square dancing and the current decline.

Where are the women

February 7, 2021 57.41 KB 4524 downloads

An informative article by Daryl Clendenin regarding single men and dancing.