Board of Governors

The Board of Governors

The members are in charge of CALLERLAB, but there has to be a smaller group to make overall policy decisions to implement the direction from the Membership. That is the Board of Governors. Much like the board of directors of a regular company, the Board sets policy, watches the finances, and runs CALLERLAB in accordance with the wishes of the members.

Structure of the Board

The Board consists of 25 members, each serving a 3-year term. Each year, 1/3 of the Board stands for election. For day-to-day operations, the Executive Committee stays on top of things.

In 2021, the CALLERLAB Membership voted to reduce the BOG to 18 members.  This is to be implemented gradually from 2021 to 2026.

Board Duties and Meetings

The Board meets each year prior to and following the annual Convention. Running our large organization requires a lot of work. Specifically, Board members are expected to:

  • Attend Meetings. Board members are required to be at each Convention during their term by 2pm on Sunday, and to stay until at least 5pm on Wednesday. Board members are required to attend all Board meetings at the convention.
  • Respond to Mail. Much of the Board’s work is accomplished between meetings. The Board receives mailings from the CALLERLAB Home Office and makes decisions primarily by Email. Each Board Member is expected to read, think about, and respond to every mailing.
  • Work at the Convention. Selected Board members are assigned a time in the “Board of Governors Informals” sessions at the Convention; if assigned, Board members are expected to be present at their assigned time, take notes, and report to the full Board at the Wednesday afternoon meeting.

Running For The Board

To run for the Board, you must have been a Voting Member for the four years immediately preceding the election and submit a valid Board of Governors Petition. Petitions are available from the Home Office, or at the convention from the Home Office Staff.

For your name to appear on the ballot, your Petition, along with a photo and a brief biographic sketch, must be submitted to the home office by July 1st. A valid petition requires you to obtain signatures from at least 25 Voting Members and certify that you meet the requirements.

Members who have submitted a valid Board of Governors Petition are invited to introduce themselves and give a 1-minute speech at the convention during the annual business meeting Wednesday morning.

Election ballots are mailed in August to all voting members, and results are announced in DIRECTION.

Current Board Members