Starter Kit for New Callers
Caller Training
October 31, 2023 926.42 KB 1698 downloads
The CALLERLAB Caller Training Committee created this kit to provide prospective callers and new callers with an introduction to the knowledge and skills they will need to study and acquire if they decide to learn to call modern western square dances.
Procedures for Accredited Caller-Coach Re-Accreditation
Caller Training, Member Documents
July 27, 2023 221.95 KB 777 downloads
Procedures for CALLERLAB Caller-Coach Accreditation
Caller Training, Member Documents
July 27, 2023 389.94 KB 852 downloads
Caller Mentoring Guidelines
Caller Training
November 6, 2013 683.58 KB 1641 downloads
If you are thinking of becoming a Mentor for a new caller, this booklet is designed to help a more experienced caller to work with a new caller. If a friend wants to learn to call, the experienced caller can just give them a record and help them learn a singing call. However, callers know that there is more to calling than memorizing a singing call. If the experienced caller wants to really help, they need to become a Mentor. This booklet will provide ideas for being a Mentor to a new caller. The committee expects that the Mentor will work with the student caller for a period of time that can be up to two years. The new caller would become more independent over that time, but could consult with the Mentor when needed.