CALLERLAB Membership Information
All square dance callers are welcome to join us! CALLERLAB Membership includes BMI/ASCAP music licensing, great insurance coverage, and all the services that are available only to members. You’ll also be supporting our work in training callers and promoting square dancing–a benefit for both dancers and callers!
Learn more about what CALLERLAB does here: What does CALLERLAB do?
Code of Ethics
CALLERLAB members subscribe to the CALLERLAB Code of Ethics.
Membership Categories
There are five categories* of CALLERLAB membership:
*Membership categories are based on the average number of square dance-related events called per year. Qualifying square dance events include dances, festivals, classes, demonstrations, etc.
Active Member
This category is for callers who have been calling at least twelve (12) dance events per year over the most recent three (3) years, have attended a CALLERLAB Convention or Mini-Lab, or have applied for and been approved as an Active Member under the provisions of the Alternative Involvement Requirement as stated in the By-Laws. Active Members enjoy all the benefits and privileges of full membership. If you are an active caller and would like to participate actively in CALLERLAB, consider this category.
Associate Member
Associate Membership is open to any caller who: (a) Has not called at least twelve (12) dance events per year over the three (3) most recent years; (b) Has not attended a CALLERLAB Convention or Mini-Lab; or (c) has not applied for or been approved as an Active Member under the provisions of the Alternative Involvement Requirement as stated in the By-Laws. Associate Members may serve on CALLERLAB committees and vote on committee business but they may not serve on the Board of Governors, vote in elections, or vote on resolutions or policies that affect CALLERLAB operations, policies, or procedures. If you have been calling for at least three (3) years, but have not called at least twelve (12) events per year over the three (3) most recent years, this category of membership is for you.
Apprentice Member
This category is for newer callers who have been calling less than three years, regardless of the number of dances called during those three years.
Retired Member
This category is for callers who have retired from calling but desire to remain in touch with CALLERLAB and the square dance activity. They must have been an Active Member for eight years, have attended a minimum of three conventions, and are no longer actively calling. Retired Members receive DIRECTION, but are not covered by a BMI/ASCAP license or insurance.
This category of membership is for those requiring only a BMI/ASCAP license. For additional information, please visit our BMI/ASCAP licensing page. Licensees do not receive DIRECTION.
CALLERLAB has established a Membership for callers who are less than 21 years of age. Callers who meet the the following criteria are eligible for Membership as a Youth Member:
A person who is otherwise eligible for Active, Associate, or Apprentice membership, but who is less than 21 years old and applies for this Membership Category shall be considered a Youth Member. Youth members have all the same definitions and privileges as Active, Associate & Apprentice Members.
Membership Benefits
- Music Licensing. All US members and Licensee members in the US are required to purchase the BMI/ASCAP music license.
- Insurance. Active, Associate, and Apprentice Members in the US receive liability insurance coverage–a necessity if you rent your own halls for dances. Licensee Members in the US may also receive the liability insurance. Equipment insurance is also available to our US members.
- Newsletter. Six times a year, you’ll receive a copy of DIRECTION, our members-only newsletter. DIRECTION keeps you current on CALLERLAB events, and includes articles about the square dance activity.
- Our Convention. Each year, we assemble for three days of discussions, training panels, and fellowship. The convention is an incredible experience and is a great way to recharge your batteries, hone your calling skills, and gather new ideas. The Convention is where the members help make policy decisions for the organization–a chance to affect the future of square dancing. We have provided additional information on the convention on this website.
- Members Only Web Site. Members may signup for access to the Members Corner of the CALLERLAB web site. Selected sales items, Membership Roster, the current issue of DIRECTION, and other items of interest to Members are posted in the Members Only area.