New Partner Resource

Thanks to the Partner Committee for all of their work developing and publishing the new Partner Resource document.

The original Callers’ Partners Handbook was published in 1978. This updated version (2024) is renamed Partner Resource.

The CALLERLAB Partner Committee wants to thank these Callers and Partners for their contribution to this document: Erin Byers, Sue Carruthers, Janice Cha, Pam Clasper, Priscilla Davis, Roy Gotta, Janet Long, Ann Moore, Tom Rainer, Allynn Riggs, Lise Rosenfield, Lisa Seastrom, Ann Wass, and Jim Wass, as well as all the contributors to the original Callers’ Partners Handbook.

The Partner Committee would also like to acknowledge Erna Egender, the first Chair of this committee (then known as Partners’ Committee). Her hope to create a handbook to provide helpful information for others in our activity led to this Partner Resource document. She was described in the 1992 Partners’ Committee Handbook as “always a lady, a partner, and a friend.” Erna was elegant. She was a strong balance to her husband Herb Egender, and she influenced their roles as dance leaders. Many on the Partner Committee today still remember her fondly as a mentor to Partners around the world and a true Partner role model.

And a great shoutout to the final editor, Ri-Shea Schlitter.