Typical Convention Programs
Past conventions have typically included the following:
- Fun Sessions
- Technical Sessions
- Committee Meetings
- Teaching Techniques
- Digital Music Sessions
- Visit with the Legends Sessions
- Alternative Music Sessions
- Voice Improvement Sessions
- Marketing Information & Updates
- Tremendous Educational Opportunity
- Meet Callers & Partners From Around The World
- Social mixers
New this year, there will be a Pre-Convention Caller Clinic held on Saturday and Sunday followed by a dance on Sunday afternoon. The clinic will consist of three sessions on Saturday and one session on Sunday morning. The goal of the clinic will be to get the attendees ready to call a guest tip at the dance on Sunday. The spots to call at the dance will be filled on a first come first serve basis. The cost is $50.
The Orientation Session on Sunday evening is especially for the first-time attendee, but it is also a good review for attendees who have not been to a Convention for some time. The session will provide an overview of the Convention, as well as tips and tricks for getting the most out of Convention.
The Ways and Means Committee hosts a Mainstream fund raising dance with proceeds going to the CALLERLAB Foundation starting at 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening. This dance is open to the general public and provides an opportunity to hear some of the best callers in the business share their talents while supporting the Foundation.
Convention Attire
During the Day – Casual attire is appropriate at all sessions. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Evening Banquets – Many attendees prefer business casual or formal wear for the evening banquets. Some men prefer a coat and/or tie for the banquets, but it is not required. Please observe the courtesy of removing your hat during Convention meals.
Dances – There will be square dancing on Sunday, Monday & Tuesday evenings. Square dance attire is certainly appropriate but not required.
General – A light wrap or jacket is suggested due to the changing temperature of the rooms.
For more information about the Convention, please contact the CALLERLAB Home Office.
Photo credits: Ray Owens & Home Office
Subject to change
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm – Registration opens
9:00 am – Pre-Con Caller Clinic (contact the home office to sign up for this pre-convention event)
9:00 am to 5:00 pm – Registration open
9:00 am – Pre-Con Caller Clinic continues
3:00 pm – Caller Clinic Welcome Dance
4:00 pm – Orientation Session – great for first time attendees or folks who haven’t been to convention recently
5:00 pm – Welcome Reception for all convention attendees
7:30pm – Ways & Means Fundraising Dance supporting the CALLERLAB Foundation
8:00 am to 5:00 pm – Registration open
9:00 am – Opening Session
10:30 am – Breakout #1
11:45 am – Lunch
1:00 pm – Breakout #2
2:30 pm – Breakout #3
4:00 pm – Breakout #4
5:15 pm – Free Time/Birds of a Feather Sessions
6:00 pm – Social Hour
7:00 pm – Banquet
9:00 pm – Dancing
8:00 am to 5:00 pm – Registration open
9:00 am – Breakout #5
10:30 am – Breakout #6
11:45 am – Lunch
1:00 pm – Breakout #7
2:30 pm – Breakout #8
4:00 pm – Breakout #9
5:15 pm – Free Time/Birds of a Feather Sessions
6:00 pm – Social Hour
7:00 pm – Banquet
9:00 pm – Dancing
8:00 am to 12:00 pm – Registration open
9:00 am – Annual Membership Meeting and Closing Session