Updated Caller Schools List

Attached is a list of known caller schools that are planned over the next year. Encourage new callers as well as experienced callers to attend a school next year. Caller schools will always rejuvenate every caller’s attitude and skills. Scholarships from the CALLERLAB Foundation are available to provide financial assistance to callers seeking to further their education … Read more

Happy New Year!

Reprinted from the December 2023 DIRECTION Newsletter:  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REFLECTIONS By Teresa Berger, Executive Director This issue wraps up the 50th volume of DIRECTION. Wow! I’d like to take just a moment to thank you for your continued support of CALLERLAB as we continue fostering the art of square dance calling and improving caller skills. … Read more


Did you know…CALLERLAB has a sample contract for clubs and callers to use? Check out the updated fillable PDF that now includes SSD as an option in the program section!


Are you looking for something fun to pass the time?  Check out two new CALLERLAB word puzzles! The CALLERAB word search is a great activity for your club socials. Enjoy!

2023 Triennial Review Results

In 2023, the Mainstream and Advanced Programs both underwent Triennial Reviews.  The results are below: Mainstream: There were no changes to the Mainstream Program. Advanced: The Advanced Committee voted to Redefine Zig/Zag, Zag/Zig.  The Advanced Committee will move forward with a discussion on the redefining of the call Zig/Zag, Zag/Zig in the near future. Thank you to … Read more

Resolution 2023 Feedback

Resolution #1 –  Resolution to Create a New CALLERLAB Committee: Submitted by Members Stephen Cole & Steve Kopman Click here to read Resolution #1 – Resolution to Create a New CALLERLAB Committee. You may read the feedback on Resolution #1 by clicking here.   Resolution #2 – Bylaws Revision: Submitted by the Executive Committee Click … Read more

Discounts for Overseas Members

Our overseas CALLERLAB members provide a diverse perspective on the square dance activity that is essential when making decisions that influence the activity world-wide.  We recognize that there are many obstacles for Overseas Members including but not limited to inconvenient online meeting times, language barriers, higher travel costs to attend the CALLERLAB Convention, and exchange … Read more

Updated C-1 Definitions

The new C-1 Definitions document is now available on the Challenge Page. The new document includes the revised definitions for Rotate Family and Regroup to permit additional starting setups.  Ends of Lines and Ends of Columns were also added to When the Formation Isn’t There. A special thanks to the Challenge Committee and Definitions Committee for their work … Read more

Updated Basic Standard Applications – Japanese

A new version of the Basic Standard Applications translated to Japanese is now available! Thank you to the Japanese SD Subcommittee Team for their work on the updates to this translation! We’re developing a home for all of the available translated documents here: https://www.callerlab.org/caller-resources/translated-documents/.   Check back for more updates as they become available.