Milestone Award

The CALLERLAB Milestone Award is the highest award CALLERLAB can bestow on any individual. The nominee is judged against rigid criteria in five separate categories. A nominee must meet the criteria in all five categories to receive the award. The primary purpose of this award is to recognize those individuals, whether CALLERLAB Members or not, who have made outstanding and significant contributions to the field of square dancing. This is often a difficult decision, for there are many outstanding people in our activity.

The Milestone Award is presented to individuals who have met the following five-point criteria in the field of square dancing and have been selected by the Executive Committee (EC) to be honored in this way. These five points are:

1) The recipient must have worked in UNCHARTED FIELDS.

2) The individual’s contributions to the activity much have STOOD THE TEST OF TIME

3) These Contributions must have been UNSELFISH.

4) In the course of making those contributions, the recipient must have displayed true LEADERSHIP AND PROFESSIONALISM.

5) Finally, the recipients’ work must have had a BROAD INFLUENCE on the activity.

In 2000 the Board removed the restriction against presenting this award posthumously. This award is an acrylic pyramid on a wood base, and is accompanied by a framed certificate.

The Milestone award is a recognition by an individuals peers, which sets the recipient apart from the ordinary. A certificate, dated and signed by the Chairman of the Board, accompanies the physical award.

The list below provides a link to the Milestone Award write-up in the Honors Book. Also included (if available) is the presentation speech delivered at the CALLERLAB convention honoring the Milestone recipient.

Milestone Recipients

Calvin Campbell Milestone Award
May 1, 2006 0

Calvin Campbell Milestone Award

Wade Driver Milestone Award
May 1, 2004 0

Wade Driver Milestone Award

Wade Driver Milestone Presentation
May 1, 2004 0

Milestone Award presentation by Mike Seastom

Stew Shacklette Milestone Presentation
May 1, 2003 0

Milestone Award presentation by Betsy Gotta

Stew Shacklette Milestone Award
May 1, 2003 0

Stew Shacklette Milestone Award

Al Stevens Milestone Presentation
May 1, 2002 0

Milestone Award presentation by John Kaltenthaler

Al Stevens Milestone Award
May 1, 2002 0

Al Stevens Milestone Award

Bill Heyman Milestone Presentation
May 1, 2002 0

Milestone Award presentation by Mike Jacobs

Bill Heyman Milestone Award
May 1, 2002 0

Bill Heyman Milestone Award

Vaugh Parrish Milestone Presentation
May 1, 2002 0

Milestone Award presentation by Herb Egender

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    Life (Gold Card) Membership

    The Gold Card, “Life Membership” in CALLERLAB may be given in recognition of service to CALLERLAB. It may be presented to long term CALLERLAB Members who have provided outstanding service to CALLERLAB, and been selected by representatives of the membership (the EC) to be honored in this way. It may be given to callers who have retired from active calling. Under special circumstances, as determined by the EC, the Gold Card may also be given to CALLERLAB Members who are still actively calling. The list of those who have been given this recognition is short. It includes people who have worked very hard and very selflessly to enhance CALLERLAB. This organization has many ways of recognizing its Members, and in some cases even non-members, for their contributions to the square dance activity. The Gold Card is reserved for those who have worked to make CALLERLAB a more valuable and successful leadership organization. The service that our Gold Card members have given has come in many forms.

    Gold Card Recipients
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      Chairman’s Award

      Recipients of the Chairman’s Award are chosen by the Chairman of the Board to recognize individuals for outstanding contributions to CALLERLAB, square dancing, or to the Chairman. There are no restrictions on the Chairman for consideration of award recipients. The choice is completely up to the Chairman.

      Chairman's Award Recipients

      1981 Jack Murtha 4/14/1981 Jon Jones
      1985 John Kaltenthaler 4/22/1985 Bob Van Antwerp
      1986 Walt Cole 3/25/1986 Cal Golden
      1987 Ken Kernen 4/14/1987 Norm Cross
      1988 Herb Egender 3/29/1988 Bob Osgood
      1989 Charley Muff 3/21/1989 Darryl McMillan
      1990 Jerry Junck 4/10/1990 Ernie Kinney
      1991 Carol Neff Smith 3/26/1991 Ernie Kinney
      1992 Shawn Cuddy 4/14/1992 Ernie Kinney
      1994 Gail Seastrom 4/11/1994 Mike Seastrom
      1995 CALLERLAB Home Office Staff Rochester, MN 4/11/1995 Tony Oxendine
      1996 Jim Mayo 4/2/1996 Tony Oxendine
      1996 Mike Seastrom 4/2/1996 Tony Oxendine
      2000 Ted & Betty Vaile 4/18/2000 Larry Cole
      2001 Mike Jacobs 4/10/2001 Larry Cole
      2001 Wayne Morvent 4/10/2001 Larry Cole
      2003 Larry Cole 4/15/2003 Mike Jacobs
      2003 Dick Mazziotti 4/15/2003 Mike Jacobs
      2004 Gail Swindle 4/6/2004 Mike Jacobs
      2005 Dana Schirmer 3/22/2005 Tim Crawford
      2006 Jim Maczko & Patty Wilcox 4/11/2006 Tim Crawford
      2007 Tom Rudebock 4/3/2007 Tim Marriner
      2008 John Swindle 3/18/2008 Tim Marriner
      2011 Clark Baker 4/19/2011 Tim Marriner
      2013 Wade Morrow 3/26/2013 Elmer Sheffield
      2013 Royce Dent 3/26/2013 Elmer Sheffield
      2014 Patty Greene 4/15/2014 Barry Clasper
      2015 Dottie Welch 3/31/2015 Barry Clasper
      2017 Harlan Kerr 4/11/2017 Vernon Jones
      2017 Shauna Kaaria 4/11/2017 Vernon Jones
      2018 Grand Square International, Kim Curlee 3/27/2018 Patty Greene
      2019 Dennis & Judy Grossnickle 4/16/2019 Patty Greene
      2019 Tom & Cindy Hollinberger 4/16/2019 Patty Greene
      2021 IAGSDC 3/27/2021 Ken Ritucci
      2021 GCA 3/27/2021 Ken Ritucci
      2022 Tom Rainer 4/12/2022 Harlan Kerr
      2023 Kris Jensen 4/25/2023 Harlan Kerr
      2024 Ken Ritucci 3/25/2024 Ted Lizotte

      Millennium Award

      The CALLERLAB Millennium Award is a one-time award presented to the late Bob Osgood, the primary force in the formation of CALLERLAB and one of our most influential Founding Members.

      The Millennium Award was presented to Bob during the 50th National Square Dance Convention in Anaheim, California in June 2001. The inscription reads:

      “Presented To Bob Osgood In appreciation of more than 60 years of dedication and service to Square, Round, and Contra dancing in all its many wonderful forms CALLERLAB presents to Bob Osgood the MILLENNIUM AWARD June 30, 2001”

      Small World Award

      This award is presented to Members residing outside continental North American and Hawaii, who are attending CALLERLAB for the first time. This award is a plaque with the inscription: “THE CALLERLAB SMALL WORLD AWARD PRESENTED TO” and the name of the recipient is engraved onto the plaque.

      Award of Excellence

      This award is presented to CALLERLAB Members for recognition of outstanding service to or support of CALLERLAB. This award is a plaque with the CALLERLAB logo, “AWARD OF EXCELLENCE”, the date of the presentation, and the following inscription engraved: “For Outstanding Contribution to CALLERLAB”.

      Special Recognition Award

      This award was designed by the Executive Committee as a means to recognize those people who have demonstrated outstanding support to square dancing. This award is a plaque which includes the CALLERLAB logo, the date of the presentation, and the following engraved inscription: “In Grateful Appreciation for Your Support and Outstanding Contribution to Square Dancing”.

      Special Award Certificate

      This award is presented to recognize those people who have demonstrated outstanding support to CALLERLAB by giving unselfishly of their time, energy, and knowledge in support of CALLERLAB Committee work, Convention assistance, or other significant CALLERLAB program activities.

      BOG Service Award

      This award is presented to Members of the CALLERLAB Board Of Governors (BOG) when they leave the Board.

      Appreciation Award Certificate

      Recipients of this award include Members and non-members who participate in training seminars at the National Square Dance Conventions, provide assistance at CALLERLAB Conventions, assistance to the Board, EC, or Home Office staff. This award is a certificate displaying the CALLERLAB logo, the date of the presentation, and the inscription: “In Grateful Appreciation of your dedication and service to CALLERLAB by giving unselfishly of your time, energy, and knowledge to support the goals and ideals of CALLERLAB, the International Association of Square Dance Callers”.