We’re Moving!

We’re Moving! The relocation and transition of the CALLERLAB Home Office is currently underway and set to officially take place on October 7, 2022. The staff in Topeka, KS and the new staff in Greenwood, IN have been busy with preparations and planning for this event. The Topeka Office will be closing October 5, 2022 … Read more

Caller Schools List

Attached is a list of known caller schools that are planned over the next year. Encourage new callers as well as experienced callers to attend a school next year. Caller schools will always rejuvenate every caller’s attitude and skills. Scholarships from the CALLERLAB Foundation are available to provide financial assistance to callers seeking to further … Read more

Press Release: CALLERADS

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (July 2022)  * * * * * * * * * * S T A R T * * * * * * * * * * CALLERLAB Announces “CALLERADS”  Article by: Ted Lizotte, Vice Chair of CALLERLAB   Communication: It’s the building block of any business, and yours is no different. … Read more

Resolution Results

Resolution Results: Following the 2022 Annual General Meeting, eligible voting members received a ballot to vote on the one resolution presented.  The ballots have been counted and the resolution was approved. Therefore Be It Resolved That: ARTICLE II, Section 1, Subsection (c) of the CALLERLAB Bylaws be amended to read as follows: (C) Apprentice Member; (1) … Read more

Updated Triennial Review Procedures

A formal review of the Program Policy was recently completed by the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Program Committees and approved by the Executive Committee. The entire review process was discussed and changes were made to the policy. Beginning in 2022 and each year thereafter, two programs a year will be reviewed. For 2022, … Read more

Resolution 2022 Discussion

Resolution #1 – Apprentice Members and Committee Membership This resolution was presented by the Board of Governors for consideration by the membership. If you have any questions, please contact the Home Office. Discussion: Pro Comments Don Wood – Lacey, WA USA I would agree to allow Apprentice Callers to be members of the New Caller … Read more

USDA Beyond the Dance Floor – Finding Callers: Recruiting, Support, Mentoring & More

DON’T FORGET THIS SATURDAY!! Mark Your Calendars — Please join our next webinar on Saturday, September 18, 2021 – 11:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time USDA Beyond the Dance Floor – Finding Callers: Recruiting, Support, Mentoring & More Faculty: Daryl Clendenin – Longtime CALLERLAB Member & Accredited Caller Coach; Betsy Gotta – Accredited Caller Coach & Chair of CALLERLAB Caller Training … Read more

National Square Dance Month

Did you know that September is National Square Dance Month!!! It was suggested/created/established by Bob Osgood in his magazine “American Square Dance.” Pam Clasper did some research on this and provides this link to the original article suggesting it: The Sets In Order magazine from the August 1969 mentions it on page 10. The full … Read more

Resolution #2 Discussion

Resolution #2 – To Amend The CALLERLAB Bylaws, ARTICLE IV BOARD OF GOVERNORS, Section 1. Number of Governors. This resolution was presented by the Board of Governors for consideration by the membership. All voting members received an email with the resolution and a link to provide feedback. Discussion for Resolution #2 is now closed.  The Pro  and … Read more

Resolution #1 Discussion

Resolution #1 – to clarify Article IV Board of Governors, Section 5. Removal. This resolution was presented by the Board of Governors for consideration by the membership. Discussion for Resolution #1 has now ended.  Please see the Pro  and Con summaries below. If you have any questions, please contact the Home Office. Discussion: Pro Comments … Read more