Introducing the Foundation for the Preservation and Promotion of Square Dancing

By Justin Russell, Ways & Means Committee Chair Hey square dance enthusiasts! If you’ve been involved in the square dance community for any length of time, you’ve heard about CALLERLAB: The International Organization of Square Dance Callers. Folks might immediately think of definitions or a list of calls, but our organization offers more benefits. In … Read more

New Dancer Marketing Web Site with Free Promotional Videos

The CALLERLAB Marketing Committee teamed up with Sleight Advertising of Omaha, NE to create a new professional web site and series of videos available to callers, clubs and local associations in efforts to aid the promotion of square dancing.  Working alongside several members of the CALLERLAB Marketing Committee, Sleight developed a professional, well thought out … Read more

Discounts for Overseas Members

Our overseas CALLERLAB members provide a diverse perspective on the square dance activity that is essential when making decisions that influence the activity world-wide.  We recognize that there are many obstacles for Overseas Members including but not limited to inconvenient online meeting times, language barriers, higher travel costs to attend the CALLERLAB Convention, and exchange … Read more

CALLERLAB Announces “MicroLAB”

Thanks to the hard work of the Public Relations Committee, CALLERLAB is pleased to announce a new initiative aimed at improving the exposure of the Association to international callers and others who find the distance and accessibility to CALLERLAB to be insurmountable. We are all aware of the Mini-Lab program that has been a CALLERLAB … Read more

Past Chairman’s SSD Endorsement

The CALLERLAB Past Chairman’s Committee has endorsed the Social Square Dancing (formally Sustainable Square Dancing) as an existing and proven vehicle that can be used in taking positive and decisive action in opening up a return to square dancing. Therefore, the CALLERLAB Past Chairman Committee endorses the use of SSD as one approach for getting current dancers back on the … Read more

Board of Governors’ SSD Endorsement

The CALLERLAB Board of Governors exists to provide positive leadership and guidance in preserving and building both Square Dancing and calling. COVID-19 is perhaps giving us our biggest challenge ever. In order for us to provide the leadership and guidance necessary to move forward following the worldwide shut down of calling and dancing due to the COVID-19 … Read more