Updated Challenge Documents

The new Challenge Lists and Definitions documents for C1, C2 & C3A are now available on the Challenge Page. The new documents include all changes from the 2021 Triennial Review as well as some other new definitions approved earlier this year. A special thanks to the Challenge Committee and Definitions Committee for their work updating … Read more

Upcoming Caller Schools

Attached is a list of known caller schools that are planned or may possibly take place during 2022. Encourage new callers as well as experienced callers to attend a school next year. Caller schools will always rejuvenate every caller’s attitude and skills. Scholarships are available for those with financial needs.  Visit https://callerlabfoundation.com/ for more information … Read more

Triennial Review Results

2021 Triennial Review The current CALLERLAB Program Policy requires a review of all CALLERLAB dance programs at least once every three years. This review is conducted by each applicable dance program committee and is known as the “Triennial Program Review.” This review is conducted as follows: first the Basic & Mainstream Committee completes its review … Read more

Social Connections Contest Extended

Have you submitted your ideas for the Social Connections Contest yet?  If not, you’re in luck!  The deadline has been extended to September 22, 2021. The ideas submitted will be evaluated by the Social Connections Committee and prizes will be awarded. A $100 Amazon gift card will go to the winner of the best suggestion. … Read more

Return to Dancing Success Stories

From Chair Harlan Kerr Welcome Back I am sure that many of you have now experienced the absolute joy of finally plugging in your microphone and welcoming dancers back to the dance floor. I must say that the first few nights I returned to calling in person were absolutely thrilling for me and the dancers. … Read more

Social Connections Contest

The Social Connections Committee of CALLERLAB is having a contest. We are looking for ideas that many of you have used throughout the years to encourage and increase the social connections amongst dancers at your club dances, weekend festivals and new dancer events. This will help us develop another valuable KnowledgeBase resource of fun ideas … Read more

Welcoming Dance Resources

As an international organization committed to building, promoting and sustaining the beloved recreation of Modern Western Square Dancing and the art and craft of square dance calling, CALLERLAB has created this set of documents to help callers, organization leaders and dancers in providing and supporting a welcoming dance environment where all dancers can enjoy the … Read more

Resolution Results

Resolution Results:  Following the 2021 Annual General Meeting, eligible voting members received a ballot to vote on the three resolutions presented.  The ballots have been counted and all three resolutions were approved as presented. Therefore: Be It Resolved That: CALLERLAB Bylaws ARTICLE IV Board of Governors, Section 5 Removal, be amended to add removal for … Read more

Ways & Means – T-shirt Auction

 Here’s your chance to own a piece of Square Dance history! During the 2019 National Square Dance Convention some of the world’s best known callers put their autographs on five Tee shirts. Now you have the chance to own one of these unique shirts with names like Tony Oxendine, Ken Bower, Hunter Keller, Mike Seastrom, … Read more